Perfectly Running Raph800 on Touch HD Glossy Rom v2.0
Startup.txt (check yours to make sure it boots up)
set ramsize 0x6000000
set ramaddr 0x10000000
set mtype 2039
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd.gz
set cmdline "no_console_suspend pmem=1 lcd.density=210 msmvkeyb_toggle=off physkeyboard=raph board-htcraphael-navi.wake=0 gsensor_axis=2,-1,3"
Also Rootfs located here, 3/21 release fixes Cell South Data (old news i know
Get the glossy rom here, have not had any problems except for the famous sometimes falls asleep and gets cranky waking up. Battery last about 7 Hours and 30 mins or so. Using Mar 20th Zimage.
Rom link here:
All in all that should get you up and going strong