Originally Posted by Tiger505
Well I fixed the clock settings. A bit of a work around. Went to alarm and on my location which is Medford Oregon was 1 hour ahead from the real time. Added San Francisco which was correct...
Thank you. I've been trying to figure this one out. When originally set to "My Location" Sense has Costa Mesa, CA set as Mountain Time (rather than Pacific) (seen under Local Time & Date settings). Adding Costa Mesa as a city in World Clock sets "My Location" as Pacific Time rather than Mountain Time for some reason. Anyhow, hope this information can help in fixing this problem (without this hack) in the future. This is for Sense 2.1 2012 | 6.5 | 21895 | v1.1. Thanks for a great ROM OMJ and thanks for the support for both 6.5.5 and 6.5. Everything is great on this ROM.