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Old 03-22-2010, 03:15 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service

Originally Posted by clifftrue View Post
busybox cp /sdcard/pap-secrets /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
Busybox cp /sdcard/options.smd1 /etc/ppp/options.smd1
Well, definitely don't capitalize Busybox. What programs are you using?

I am actually typing things in by hand, using "Better Terminal Pro" but remember, I am doing so in super-user (root) mode by typing "su" first.
Perhaps you need to make sure your script programs run in su/root mode?

(Another possible issue: Maybe your script (and mine) should end in .sh? When I tried to download my "fix" file using Android's browser it said filetype unsupported. But when I renamed the file on my server to it allowed me to download. So there is a chance your script programs [??] require scripts to end in .sh ?)

PS. What are these script programs? Maybe we can make the fix script easier for people by using a GUI click-and-run solution, instead of requiring people to go into a console and type out "su" and "/sdcard/fix"

Originally Posted by clifftrue View Post
If I manually type these in a terminal window they work, but the chmod +x /sdcard/usccfix that I created from your post (with the 'user' added in front). My file is located at /sdcard/ and a file named usccfix (no extension)

May be the programs I am using or scripts not working yet??
Hehe. I'd say maybe yes I can type it by hand and it works (that's how I figured out I forgot the 'user ' part) so I know the script is OK... but it has to be +x ("chmod +x scriptname") to make it executable, and it has to be run as root ('superuser' why we type "su" before entering commands.) Although I think when I downloaded it from the web it was already +x / executable... don't know if that will be true for copies over USB too...
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