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Old 03-22-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: Favorite cabs thread

Here are 2 apps Im enjoying very much for FREE at the moment, and I wanted to share them with you all.

1st the MobiTV app. Works great watch fox news, msnbc, ESPN, and much more for a whole month for free!

2nd the Block Buster Video app, After installing this app it will not show in your windows start menu, so you must go find the file in your 'Program Files' folder (the location of the PROGRAM FILES folder depends on wether you installed it on device or storage card) then copy it to the Device>Windows folder>Start Menu. Select the folder/location in your start menu folder you wish to leave the app in. After this you will be able to access your Block Buster app from your start menu, therby allowing you to also add the app to your today screen.

Enjoy both apps work well with no bugs to report.
Apps also come standard in the new Tmobile HD2
Attached Files
File Type: cab MobiTV[1]. (1.42 MB, 232 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab (2.38 MB, 197 views) Click for barcode!
If anyone or I help you Please hit the THANKS Hit me up on TWITTER for Windows Phone 7, tips/HD2/news & some XBOXLIVE You can click on link bellow.
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