Originally Posted by Pooh434
Installed the Sprint Stock 6.5 ROM (upgrading from Stock 6.1 ROM) and I have 2 issues. (1) I was able to USB tether via ICS and WModem Fix cab and wifi tether via HTC WifiSharing cab before (no registry edits) with no problem. After installing the update, I cannot tether with either. I don't want to use PdaNet because I've read it is not as consistent as the cabs.
Whats wrong with using PDANet w/ the stock 6.5 Rom? I havent tried it yet personally but its a great app. I dont know what it wouldn't be every bit as good (or better) than one of the .cabs.
Something about PDAnet I dont know? I'd assumed it was the best tethering app around once you make the necessary registry edits to your device so you don't get charged for tethering.
That makes me wonder though, have the recommended registry edits we're familiar with changed with 6.5? I applied the TP2 Cleanup .cab which enables Internet Sharing. I dont know if it makes any of the other so called "stealth" registry tweaks or not though. Should we apply any others before tethering on this new stock rom?