Originally Posted by cxh9055
I noticed that if i plug my phone into my computer it will not go completely to sleep(the light will stay orange). This seems to indicate that there is some connection and it is charging. If i remove it from the connection it will go into the deep sleep with the green LED. Can anybody else who has charging working confirm this seems to indicate charging?
It isn't indicating charging no, but it is showing that it does see a connection to the computer. Current state of the notification LED is for debug purposes only. It doesn't show proper charging/sms/email etc notifications currently. But ya, I guess the phone doesn't completely sleep when plugged in, but if you get it setup to charge then it is doing at least that. I wouldn't go 100% by reading the voltages either, I have been charging while it still shows 4.5 volts. Normally I see it hit up to 4.6-4.7 as Boominsvx has shown in his screenshots, but not always.