Re: Strange Files
Sorry bout that. The files are located on the phones memory, not the chip. I am using Imagio with WM6.5 Verizon stock ROM with TF3D 2.0. My phone is not acting up, memory is stable around 61% with no apps running. Everything seems to be working fine. When I open the files, there is nothing there that I can see. When I try to either change the file name or just delete them, my system says they cannot be named with those characters, and wont let me progress further. I did a search with Total Commander, and cannot find them through that way.
I listed the names above. As to why worry if nothing is acting up or they contain nothing, they are uninvited quests. If I didn't put them on, or they didn't come with the phone, I don't want them on. Every thing takes up space, even an empty folder. I just dont want files that show up unexpectedly to remain.