The separate thread about EnergyROM battery issues is found at:
I went to the main TP2 forum page, searched on 'battery' and then just scrolled down through a few pages of entries till I found one that looked about right. I opened it up, found it to not be the right one, and kept looking. I finally came across the right one. That's what you have to do.
Originally Posted by mikedboyd
I won't argue it about beyond this ....... I don't know it off the top of my head (since I'm not an expert), but I could search for it or you could search for it, you need it, I don't. Seems like you should do it. If you need help searching, fine. If you'd rather have me do it, no thank you. I thought I was helping you by letting you know the content was in this thread, so you didn't need to go all over the place looking for it. BTW - there is a separate thread, I think in the TP2 forum group, about the battery issue. If you search at the larger forum level, I'm sure you'll find it.