Re: IceyROM COLD SERIES [coming soon]
hey Smiznith,
been running the beta (com5) tonight for about an hour. Love the look and feel of the rom. Start menu looks amazing, folders are perfect. taskbar looks great as well. So far tested a bunch of stuff. email set works for multiple accts including exchange/hotmail thru win live, internet works, dialing out/in, sms, mms are flawless, gps my location as well. Rom is quick overall but did stall a couple times leaving sms/mms fields.
couple things I noticed. sms send button is missing but that has already been covered I believe. Also, memory is running really high. Mine is hovering in the upper 70's, and was up to 88% with a couple things open. Sense closed once as well. Not sure if its because of memory. Also, r6 santody qlinks tweak didnt work out so well. the shortcuts for static and weather wallpaper are not showing as usual. I think it might be because of bg4all being cooked in though. Nice rom man. Might need to adjust the ppool to free up some memory or another solution. Will let you know if I run into anything else.