Looking for Program or help writing one
I'm looking for a program that will help me with a daily inventory count, that would save the results that I could then email to myself to print out
I have written programs like this before, years ago for windows, and also in cgi/pearl for a web page
But I don't have a clue as to where to begin for winmob, anyone willing to help (unless you know a program that would allow me to create a simple program)
It would be a simple basic counter, I could use excel but I would like to have a number pad where I enter a number for the item and then quanity
I would need just 3 fields, item #, price, quantity, (I manage a convenient store and I have to count packs of cigarettes every day, get a dollar total and a total item count
Like I said, I could easily write this for a web page app (if I had a site to host it), just don't know where to start for winmob, I've searched the web a little and all I found for programing would cost $$
Thanks in advance for any help