Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
seems you missread, we like to flash so give us a rom, make sense? you seem to like to flash too if you flashed war but i ment we like to flash juggs stuff. juggs could make a perfect 6.5x and i would still want him to make another rom. didnt your or do you still have mighty in your sig? must have liked something.
Ok i will come clean.........the only thing in that rom i liked was the startup animation....well not his the one i added
EDIT: Let me edit this because it sounds as if I'm talking shit about Mightymikes rom.
When in fact mikes rom and Mr.X roms are hard to tell apart...............
What i meant by this was the War rom has startup animation and X Don't and i need that in a rom to have my dads gif file with his voice