Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50430; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
So, Verizon is telling me the TP2 is now $299 + tax (came out to $350-ish). The mail-in rebate is for a $100 gift card. Is this right?
Also, a side note, the rep said if you're past due twice in a 6 month period from the last year, you cannot charge the phone to your account. Is this right? I didn't trust him (he was giving me a bad vibe).
Okay this is how it works. If you are up for renewal, and you have a NE2 (New Every Two)Credit you can get the TP2 at the 2yr discounted price of 299.99. If you order online you also get a $100 INSTANT REBATE, Over the phone or in the stores is a Mail in rebate. That brings it down to 199.99. You also have that NE2 Credit. If you have not renewed your phone lately it is either $50 or $100 (that will be going lower next time FYI) Which will bring the price of the phone down to 149.99 or 99.99 depending on your NE2.
As far as your side note goes, they are correct. If you go past due $25 twice in 6 months your account becomes hotlined. If you are hotlined your BTA (Billable To Account) status goes to $0. You then have to go six months without going past due, (which any responsible customer should be able to do, I haven't been past due on my USCC bill EVER) (I know, I know, I work for VZW and have a USCC phone, shame on me) in order to have your BTA Status changed back to $250 for a single line or $500 for a double, or $750 for a triple line or above. thats how it works, hope that helps.