Just an FYI to NRG, the I'm on the March 20th, 23547 Co0kie Rom, and the Sprint Network disconnect thing is still happening.
I rebooted about 3 times, after installation of cabs (none of the cabs caused this), and then found that anything accessing the 3G or 1X Network doesn't work. This has happened on about the last three ROMs (Since the Mar 17th Co0kie ROMs)
The quick fix is this process found by JHComputerGuy:
Originally Posted by JHComputerGuy
for everyone that is having data problems after running the Sprint provisioning, a work around was listed in earlier posts.. Here it is:
Go to Start--Settings--Connections--Select Connections
Select Manage existing connections
select edit, then next, then next
under username put in your phone number
leave everything else empty
select finish