Originally Posted by neudof
Important Note:
After Flashing the new ROM, remember to hard reset. You should reboot with about 60-70MB free RAM. If you soft reset your phone and you should boot with 90+MB of free RAM!
I must be "slow", because 90mb sounds better than 70mb.
Bottom Line:
What should we do after installing Sprint's 6.5 ROM?
A hard or soft reset?
What is the method?
Thank you.
List of my issues:
#1. I want to only use MS Messagaing for texts. I HATE HTC messaging.
#2. I want a task manager. (JD task manager seems to add a "slide to unlock" to my TP2?)
#3. I do NOT want to slide to unlock or have to hit "unlock" AFTER I already entered my 4 digit pin to unlock.
#4. A home screen link to the "FULL call history" (not abbreviated) would be nice.
All I really want is my TP2 to run as FAST as possible and be able to use "HTC favorites" to create text messages in the old "MS mesaging" format. ( so I can insert "My Texts" and "add recipients" by just tying their names.