Originally Posted by Jbradthomas
26948339 has to be saved as a system file. Also if you cook in the Call History Tab there is another 26948339 in it. Also look at EXT\baseline\registry\RZ_Manila_Tabs and edit this for the tabs you want and order.
I'm not using the call history tab, but i'll try saving 26948339_manila as a system file (no idea how to do this in windows, guess i'll transfer it to my phone, switch it in resco explorer, and then copy it back).
Maybe another thing I did to screw it up was use the RZ_Manila_Lang_Removal.bat - I didn't notice that the CFC package was already localized..
What about the HTCSense_2.5_2012_VGAQTC_CFC package in the tweaks compilation; is that necessary?