Originally Posted by kitts
1024th useless post of yours!
On topic, I have reported about the charging is working on my TP2 when on android. Now it seems like charging is having problem even if of WM, sometime it works and sometimes it wont. I think I have overcharged it
I have hardreset couple of times, but still having the same issue. It could be the physical connection went bad or the ciruit went bad.. dont know.
Does anybody have the same issue?
Yes, hopefully you haven't done damage, but the charging circuit hasn't been written, so I don't think there is anything in the phone to tell it to stop charging if it is. So if you are going to do the charging thing while in Android do please make sure you only charge for so long. Don't leave it on overnight. These are Lithium batteries and are known to explode if they get too hot!