Originally Posted by 00_MACKIE_00
if something does end up being introduced into development, it will end up being in the kernel and modules so what is a few days of wait or in a modified rootfs and startup.txt by pippy? that is my whole point. I have spent many years (atleast 10) in forums like this, I know what I am talking about.
Um. Nobody was attacking you personally.
Originally Posted by 00_MACKIE_00
And if you would see my posts, you would see I am packing up new stuff all the time. This guy has an obvious issue with me packaging it all together for you guys and I finally called him out on it. Again, I can show the download #'s and there are hundreds of people using the prepackaged latest and greatest with all the touchscreen fixes incorporated. There are alot of inconsistencies in post # 1 by Pippy explaining how to do this, especially if your a N00b. That is why I put it out there for all to enjoy and will continue to do so, whether cflynt wants to say how easy it is and blah blah blah blah ..save your comments dude.
This seems to conflict with what you said above about waiting. I have no idea what problem you and "this guy" have. I personally don't use your packages, but thank you for posting them anyways because I think it is a great service you are providing for other users.
Since you seem to have a problem with post #1 and want to release continual updated all in one packages, maybe you should start your own thread with the prepacked builds and better instructions? It sounds like lots of people would appreciate that.
Again, I wasn't trying to attack you. Was just posting my thoughts that the more beta released the better (I may not have time to follow IRC, but I am still imaptient

) . I apologize if it came across as slight against you in any way.