Originally Posted by CaliBoyPhillip
thank you my friend  I'll just go back to watching ghost adventures for now. 
I think i'll just go to bed and flash something tomorrow.... I mean later today
The stock 6.5 from sprint today did a number on my device, and NOT what I wanted. So many problems, I cant begin to list them all. I was going to go back to 6.1 with Mobile Shell 3.5.3, but I may try an Energy ROM first and see what I get.
I had high hopes for the 6.5 this morning, but me personally....a no go with my device. I even had to post a new thread on here tonight at work with a HTC Hero cause I couldn't get anything to work browser wise. Opera wanted my phone #, skyfire wouldn't connect, and IE...The font was large and a mess.
Hopefully I can flash to something in about 7hrs, cause the 6.5 from Sprint will drive me to drink.
I'm just tired of my phone right now. I've spent from the morning to about 2pm flashing and loading and tweaking, just to realize it all sucks. lol It's bed time. Hopefully Energy will save the day later. If not, we'll, nothing like going back to 6.1