Originally Posted by fabrijack
I use myphone as well as my outlook sync. Is there a way to sync myphone with my laptop as well? I keep all 3 synced currently. If I could sync laptop with myphone as well as my Pro with myphone I would be accomplishing the same thing.
I have flashed over and over, different roms trying to see the difference. Still no joy. I guess I am stuck on the pre 2/25 builds to keep full function. If everyone isn't seeing this problem it has to be something I am doing or have done in the last week that is jamming it up.
Any other suggestions where to look?
Thanks for everyone's help.
I don't think there's a way to sync outlook and myphone. A lot of people have the same concerns too, but I guess until MS wants to integrate everything, there's no way right now. I haven't tried syncing thru outlook ever since my phone came out, so maybe i'll give it a spin and see for myself.