Originally Posted by who?
The Verizon 6.5 TP2 ROM supports Rhapsody to Go. I'm assuming the new Sprint version does too.
If someone can extract whatever is necessary from either or both of these ROMs to enable our wonderful chefs to cook custom 6.5 ROMs with Rhapsody to Go support, I'm offering a $20 bounty.
I'm sure there are others here too that are waiting for this. If you're also willing to contribute, please chime in.
VZW's Rhapsody support didn't have anything to do with their 6.5 update, although it may have integrated the feature. VZW offers Rhapsody as a billable feature with many of their phones, because they have a deal with Rhapsody to provide it.
I didn't realize people actually used Rhapsody. I can't imagine that there are many that do.