Originally Posted by BillJr106
Are there any side effects to be aware of? Also what does it change the pagepool to? Is there a reason why this isnt the default?
It changes the pagepool to whatever number you choose. (I suggest trying 20 or 24 if you think 6.5 is sluggish).
Yes, the one side effect is that every 1MB you increase the pagepool takes away 1MB of Total Program Memory. The 6.5 Stock has 183.18 MB by default. If you increase the pagepool from 15 to 20, say - the new Total Program Memory will be 178.18. So, you're trading RAM for pagepool. Think of pagepool as like windows pagefile (but that's not really a good analogy).
Do a search on "windows mobile pagepool". Also try setting it to 0, which is a "dynamic pagepool", but will be like a manual pool of 30. Too difficult to explain in detail here - google the phrases above.
Good news is that if you don't notice a more responsive 6.5 by changing pagepool from 15 to 20 or 24, then just change it back to 15. It really is as simple as just running the pagepool changer and flashing. You're not going to hurt anything.