One other quick question: I know you mentioned something about using the CFC version of the Manila 2.5.2012 original WVGA packages...
Was that the only thing that you have CFC'd (pre-CFC'd in the zip)? Did you CFC everything, including the VGA build?
I'm a little apprehensive CFCing with amarullz's instructions, b/c I don't understand them
How to CFC Manila 2.5: Download the attachment, place the two dlls in your Manila folder, then hex edit manila.exe and mode9.dll(if it is a module, is in S001). Just search for "libgles_cm.dll" in the files and replace it with "libgles_mn.dll". These values may appear multiple times in the file! Make sure to search and replace for both ANSI and UNICODE variants! Then use CFC GUI to open every Manila folders and CFC them(press Ctrl+F, then Yes->Yes->No).
Thanks Chainfire for the CFC GUI tool.
Although there won't really be a speed increase by CFCing, at least I'll have less memory usage