well been running this upgrade through the morning, a few reboots and its running smooth and quick - important note flash, configure, restart a couple times seems to help
myphone didnt give me any issues with setting up or synching although I ended up with a few duplicate names and some older texts I had to delete, nothing to rough out there in case anyone wants to cry about something that minor LOL
not sure why everyone is saying Task Manager isnt in it - its right there under start> toward the bottom - no issues with it, unless people are referring to the main screen access to stopping progs from the upper right drop down (I do miss that as well)
Audio Manager/Player is an issue so far and going to dig through the reg and such to see if I can stabilize it unless someone beats me to it as it will crash quite often if I play a song stop then go to other items nothing major as it doesnt crash out the OS just the audio player
Opera, Facebook, Twitter, Texting and Picture Text all working just fine
Camera is OK although I will be installing the "enable all features" cab soon enough
All in all it seems a decent upgrade and the chefs will have fun stripping out and integrating the "new" items into their ROMs soon enough