Originally Posted by willysp
A friendly question - how can it be a Comcast problem if HTC feeds it to you very slowly and a mirror feeds it to you very fast? Maybe I'm missing something.
I have ATT U-Verse and HTC was 24K and a mirror took a minute.
I did an IP search on the HTC site - it's in Austin TX at Hostway Solutions (or something similar), so probably a small shop that isn't sized to deal with this load on their end. Yes, HTC/Sprint should have beefed up capacity on their end for day 1!
I was responding to the OP. I'm not saying Comcast is the culprit at all. I tried every link that was put up before going to a mirror and had the same results. However, in the vicinity of where I live, Comcast does seem to hamper more than help. Not sure if that's the problem the OP is having per se, but I always have problems with Comcast and their speed.