Originally Posted by shappy0869
That would certainly be an issue for me, as I do like to perform registry tweaks, including tethering, which is a big feature for me.
Yeah I have quite a few myself with the biggest being the complete data connection turn off which was just one setting from 1 to 0
Again, it would work and be off, but then when I restarted it would go back to 1 which means on and nothing I could do would stop it.
A lot of people reported a lot of changes still sticking so I guess it depends on the change but there is a part and I forget the name, to 6.5, that restores certain changes.
After I restored 6.1 I spent several days researching a solution though and thought I may have found it as it does seem to be a certain little bit of programing that may be able to be turned off, but I wasn't going to go through all the trouble of a swap again to test, but thats kinda why I said, there may be a work around now.