03-19-2010, 09:29 AM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2
Originally Posted by cflynt
If you mean by dual-boot, can you run Windows Mobile and Android on the same phone. YES, currently Android on the TP2 is NOT a ROM yet, you boot into it by running Haret.
I believe that turn-by-turn isn't avail till 2.1, but I might be wrong, really doesn't matter being GPSS isn't functioning yet.
As answered in the first question. This ISN'T a ROM, so whatever ROM you have in place already will still be there.
You probably need to do a little research before you start delving into Android. It is pretty much safe to run, it shouldn't interfere with your current OS, but you don't sound like you have looked into much at all with the questions you are asking. I don't want to steer you away from it, it is AWESOME stuff. But you need to know what is working and what is not, and any Android thread out there plainly states that. If all you are after is the GPS stuff etc, you might check back at a later date.
Good stuff thanks for your help! I did read through the working/not working thread before posting, and also researched over on Google.com (apps) and saw Turn-by-Turn was listed as functioning for 1.6+; but I wanted to ask here since I saw a build/offering from March 10th also hosted for download, and didn't know if GPS has been activated since then. I'm going to follow this thread and hope for the best - thanks again! I'm excited about the next few months if this gets off the ground more
August 12th... Droid-2! Still undecided; but leaning toward purchasing, as a phone to "tide" me over (according to great advice from ckeegan) until truly remarkable devices are released from Verizon fully operation on 4G networks in 2012!