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Old 03-19-2010, 09:00 AM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2

I'm unable to download the latest March 18th version while at work - but just wanted to ask if this is the Dual-Boot version I've been looking for? I am most interested in the Android project, having the Touch Pro 2, because the free Turn-by-Turn Navigation is HUGE for me, but when not using Google Maps or other cool Android Apps, I'd like to boot to my normal Windows Mobile OS (which is the latest version of MightyROM)

- Is this the Dual-Boot thread?
- Since this is Android, would it open/activate the Turn-by-Turn Navigation offered by Droid/Nexus etc that run 1.6 or higher?
- Could I still keep my MightyROM intact as my primary mobile OS, or would I be forced to switch back to normal Windows Mobile 6.5 to take advantage of this?

August 12th... Droid-2! Still undecided; but leaning toward purchasing, as a phone to "tide" me over (according to great advice from ckeegan) until truly remarkable devices are released from Verizon fully operation on 4G networks in 2012!
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