Originally Posted by the7thson
That was pretty difficult to read without any punctuation and the poor spelling, so I barely skimmed it.
Again, the answer is simple - biggest possible screen in the most efficient form factor with the smallest bezel and least wasted space. The most powerful processor and highest amount of usable memory in ANY smartphone today. Sounds like an easy win to me. What exactly is it that you're trying to be convinced of if it's not to buy one? I don't get it..
PS - If the "live wallpaper" is the 1 highlight that stands out for you, this is definitely not the right choice for you Good luck!
read next time instead of skimming. i didnt use capital letters, wow. i abbreviated people as ppl but what was misspelled???<punctuation! i stated "from a sales perspective". meaning, i sell phones...duh! not trying to make a choice...hm...sprintgirl not t-mobilegirl. obviously on sprint. it is my job to know the competition and is the reason i am learning about this device at all. aside from the processor i dont get the idea behind development. and said i liked the live wallpaper, not that it was the #1 highlight.