I agree that when you make required donations, than we become customers and than you are obligated to supports. if not than this is what happens and thats not good. Hopefully they can come around.
When I recieved my replacement phone I was able to use the hspl to unlock it with no problems! what I AM having to pay for is the SIM unlocker for US GSM networks. Like it s previously posted its only $6 bucks.
To the OP...i am not sure if you have tried olipro's email but, try email him at the
olipro@gmail.com. Thats how I have been getting my questions answered about SIM unlocing my replacement phone. He also told me that originally they were not charging for replacements, but when the same people started to ask about unlocking mulitiple phone, thats when they started charging to SIM unlock replacements..
But I had no probs using the hspl on my replacement at all!