Re: Got my Nexus One Today!
Originally Posted by Dragon2
Not a fan of at&t, there plans suck... and I get fantastic speeds in my area, portland or.... 2.1mbps... plus tmobile gonna turn It up even more.
Plus at home I'm usually on wifi....... sounds like where you live att is it... here everybody is good...... verizon, att, sprint and tmobile... all good....
Yeah here in Cali every service is good, even metro pcs customers don't complain about service anymore. I thought about getting the n1 on my Sprint account but I'm fond of talking and surfing plus since $ isn't really an issue the fact that T-Mobile ALWAYS has hotter phones then sprint I'm sticking wit T-Mobile (I always want the newest phones, nexus one has been with tmobile since december and sprint 4months later hasn't even given us a release date, tp2 was out a little over a month before Sprint and Verizon as well). Also the modem in the n1 supports up to 7.2mbps so when hspa+ is turned on this summer I will be getting way faster speeds. I wished they would've used an actual hspa+ modem because people in Philly are getting 9mbps with the web connect rocket USB and the n900 smartphone.
Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One
Google is the next skynet
Last edited by p-slim; 03-18-2010 at 07:50 PM.