Originally Posted by Thundaar2000
Just read thru this thread. Many thanks for the stock roms list. I 'had' a copy and deleted it when I changed phones. Now I am back and appreciate your hard work!!
I have a sprint branded 6700 and I want to use it on verizon and never flashed a non stock rom or gone from one carrier to another. - Can I just use the AKU3.3 and flash away?
- Do I need to get the unlock code with getspc and do that while flashing?
- Do I call tech support to get them to add the esn so I can use it on VZW?
You can just use the AKU3.3 or you can use BuildOS to make a nice WM6.1 Verizon ROM.
You don't need the MSL to flash it, but you WILL need it to program it once activated by Verizon. Run getspc on the device to get your code. Then enter programming menus to change the MSL to 000000. This will ensure Verizon's OTA programming can do it's thing.
Not sure on the last one. The last time I did something like that was w/ a Nokia 6185. Back then I just did an ESN swap and programmed the phone, Verizon had no problems with it.