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Old 01-18-2008, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
My there are some sensitive people here.
So, now people who may share a different view than yours are "labeled" sensitive? This isn't the first time YOU have labeled people or have condescended. This isn't a Helmi's Kitchen VS Rob issue! get this straight....Creating or in this case tweaking someone else's original work to satisfy the many users who seek stability and functionality are at the heart of any tweaker's work, lest we not forget this Rom, or any Rom not actually produced by the official cert holders is technically illegal...

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
The original post was so full of wide-eyed awe and pandering as to be easily associated with cult-like behaviour. If you didn't recognize how over the top the original post was, you need to put down the Kool-Aid.
Good lord. Praising the accomplishment of anyone's hard work isn't over the top. What I can't stand is someone who feels the need to overcompensate, and in a negative way bash someone's opinions or views? These users are the very same that want the help (I'm one of them) yet you have a twisted sense of realism. No one asked for your opinion of these users that need to put down the crack, I mean kool-aide as you called it.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Explain how I threw Rob under the bus. I don't see it.
Of course you don't see it. I haven't even downloaded his version yet and even I can see the vast support for Rob's Rom. You seem to think you created this Rom and to a small degree your work achieved what many considered a marvel, are they drinking Kool-aide too? This Kitchen is basically pieced together, that any user can customize...Pieced together. Creation involves actually producing something original, your team produced something innovative, but cannot ever be called Original. I am not saying Rob's Rom is, so don't turn this into a VS discussion. I humbly bow to you and the teams efforts that were utilized to put together the awesome software many currently use here. I am also aware of the bootloader issue you raised via chat and while I don't agree with what Rob did -he did take the link down to accommodate the team.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
JTSV - Why would anyone care what your name is?
Shouldn't you care? So by your ignorant post here I can see anyone, who praises the work of another, who used part of the Kitchen created by your team, and make a more OEM Rom, as opposed of the end user doing it him or herself is insignificant, nice. I see.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
BTW, no one get's upset when questions get posted about C&S roms. You get pushed back to the ROM developer because that's where you are going to get an answer - no on else want's to take the time to figure out what the developer has modified when the developer already knows what he modified. Furthermore, the developer needs to be aware of any issues so he might fix them for his next ROM. The developers thread is also the best place to look for a solution by other users.
If you can't see the problem with your post, then you won't have solution for it either.

-By putting "Rob Mayer" on his Rom people will by default go to ask him for trouble shooting/errors. This is where you are from what I have seen the most weak at. I ask for help, not even your help in another thread and you redirect me to the appropriate thread, then you had the audacity to tell me what I saw on my own computer screen didn't actually happen, so I guess I am drinking the same flavor Kool-aide as the rest of the crazies=D>

You seem like a nice person, but you pick and choose who you wish to give your customer service to. well, I have news for you, augmenting already created programs and incorporating them into a "Kitchen" means people will F up, people will need assistance....

Last edited by GoatDweller; 01-18-2008 at 09:37 PM.
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