Wirelessly posted (tp2: Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/17992; U; en))
I have to say i am super impress with the latest build (with touch screen patched). i have been using this build since 7am this morning and its 1pm in the afternoon, everything work perfectly (for the stuffs that suppose to work anyway). touch screen work flawlessly, no more double tap issue. 3g and voice work as it should (although it took me good 5 min after boot to get 3g icon on top of screen, and i have to go into wireless setting to register network for couple of time). Market and wifi work great.
i have been using it for the past 6 hours and still running (have no way to check current battery status) and i will use it until it die to see how long a fully charged battery last.
So far i took a 15 min call, 40 or so sms, and average 20 min/hr web surfing (i dont do much at work). so that is very impressive for me (winmo would have probably 30% battery by now.
Last edited by yuyjust; 03-18-2010 at 02:06 PM.