Originally Posted by Trident
Not sure why this would be happening... mine synced perfectly.
A few things that I'm sure you've already done/checked:
- After flash, run Clear Storage.
- Before you connect to the PC, delete your previous profile(s).
- (This is going to sound dumb) Make sure your USB cable is connected securely and completely to your Diamond. (Don't ask how I know to suggest this.
- Un-select any options that you DON'T need to sync to. I had to take the check mark off of OneNote before sync would complete.
That's all I can think of. Maybe someone else has an idea on this. There weren't any changes to the Calendar or ROM in general that should have effected syncing. I do have the BioTouch SIP included instead of FingerKeyboard, but it hasn't caused this kind of issue- it was always messing with messaging. But I haven't had either issue.
Yesterday it couldnt sync calendar... Softreset my diamond and kill activesync process. and tried again.
It last a lot but I could sync. Thanks for your comment!