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Old 03-18-2010, 11:30 AM
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Re: [ROM-Mar16,2010] PowerROMv5-SenseUI & 4.5.6 [Titanium] Sprint

Originally Posted by krlosRD View Post
Can't sync my calendar with this ROM

Using Sense UI Mar16 in WinXP [ActiveSync]
Not sure why this would be happening... mine synced perfectly.
A few things that I'm sure you've already done/checked:
  1. After flash, run Clear Storage.
  2. Before you connect to the PC, delete your previous profile(s).
  3. (This is going to sound dumb) Make sure your USB cable is connected securely and completely to your Diamond. (Don't ask how I know to suggest this.)
  4. Un-select any options that you DON'T need to sync to. I had to take the check mark off of OneNote before sync would complete.
That's all I can think of. Maybe someone else has an idea on this. There weren't any changes to the Calendar or ROM in general that should have effected syncing. I do have the BioTouch SIP included instead of FingerKeyboard, but it hasn't caused this kind of issue- it was always messing with messaging. But I haven't had either issue.
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