I have had to soft reset several times today. I maybe was forced to soft reset a total of four times since switching to NRG ROMs on the 2 26 release. His ROMs have been really stable for me, maybe because I don't install that many additional cabs. The 17th release seems slower to me though. There is more lag time when changing tabs or opening a program. Does anyone else feel that way or am I
I am also noticing a few cosmetic things:
When weather animation is enabled the weather picture is not centered on the animation. The sunburst is just below the sun instead of centered. Also, the wallpaper is not landscape supported. I'm not sure if that's the correct terminology but when I open my keyboard, the wallpaper goes blank on all tabs.
NinjaDuck do you know how I can put my Opera settings into UC including my home page web sites? (I'll post in your thread -
here) I really like UC and I think I'm ready to try it. I'm also going to switch to Cookie ROM to see what's up.
Thanks NRG for that great ROMs. If there is anything I can do to help, I am available.