Originally Posted by SAShady
yeah i had that same issue. There's a thread over on SDX that shows how to put the eclair dialer. Which makes the contact pic bigger and removes the buttons. So now in-call my screen looks like this:
Then the Mute and Speaker buttons are moved to the menu.
first backup your Phone.apk
adb pull /system/app/Phone.apk
copy the Phone.apk from /AndroidSDK/tools (or wherever it saves it after adb pull) and save it somewhere else
then download the dialer from here:
then rename the .apk to Phone.apk
Then put it in the /AndroidSDK/tools (or wherever it saves pulled files)
adb push Phone.apk /system/app/Phone.apk
Should have the new dialer now.
Never used an Android device and the wife is lost on this type of stuff. Is their a tutorial anywhere on making changes and tweaks? Where can I find these tools?