Re: 2-28-10{{HDwalls HQ Wallpaper Patch for 2.5.2011 and 2.5.2012}}UPDATED!!
I figured out why people might be having trouble (with goofy/stretched images)... here's my repost from XDA...
Based on the "green swirl" background that santod posted, i discovered that the main background file (11d4e1ae_manila) MUST have white spaces surrounding the image (check it in cfc_gui). The one I was having trouble with did NOT have any white space. The one that works HAS whitespace. IIRC, I used HDwall to create it, and you want the htc patch enabled (to get the white space in the manila "image").
Now that I figured that part out, by backgrounds are working PERFECTLY (in portriat)on my sprint TP2. Sigh. The end of so much frustration is very nice!