Originally Posted by blackrain
Hey It's me again I tried using maxttm 4.1 and figured out that it doesnt work with the bg4all 16 link all in one cab it doesnt do the transparent top & bottom bars do you know if it works???? Or should I go with hdwalls? What do you use for the transparent top & bottom bars?
Well, here's the deal.
MaxTTM will work, but it will use the top and bottom of your landscape image to set the bars images.
So you would wanna set the landscape picture, to be the same as the portrait one. Then it will at least have the same image applied to the bars in portrait, as what your wallpaper displays.
However, it will not be perfectly aligned.
It will not apply the image to the bars, until you have selected a landscape wallpaper.
Now, using HDwalls, I forget honestly, if it works out ok with this mod or not.
I know it will cancel out the BG4all that is included, but don't recall if it has any other ill effects on top of the mod or not.
When I get a chance, I could check it out and see.
Just know that HDwalls is still not working properly at the moment in landscape, on 2.5.2012 builds.