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Old 03-17-2010, 10:43 AM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by slow4g63 View Post
I want to be able to view the weather & time on the front screen just like the hero & my current windows mobile, I've downloaded an app that has that ability, but have no clue on how to change it and was wondering if it may of already been added??
Widgets, as they are called, can be changed or moved around on the screen. If you tap and HOLD on an existing one, like an icon or clock or search bar etc, a trash can should show up at the bottom of the screen. Before the test build I put up, that proved to be difficult due to it double tapping. But if you are running with that test kernel it should work fine. Tap and hold and drag down to the trash can to remove something. Different widgets take up more space on the screen. And clocks and such usually take up 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen. So if you have a lot on there, you won't be able to put a clock on there.

Once you get enough screen space, you can hit MENU and then ADD I believe, and select Widget or icon or whatever you want. And then find it and add it. From there you can tap and hold and move things around if you wish.

Another way is to just tap and hold in a blank part of your screen, it will pop up with the same menu.
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