Originally Posted by Whotahn
Yeah C'mon.....what the fudge were ya thinking trying to skim read at 0630 for ya idiot..............MY BAD dude.
I'm sorry man. I guess I've just gotten used to the methods of operation here. All I know is that if I did that, the flaming would be epic. You're a bigger man than I, it seems. (No sarcasm)
Originally Posted by flyers2114
Just use the search this thread feature or the paper clip...you can even use Google.........and no need to worry about the 5mb increase cab...it has been around for a while and causes no issues...
I see what you were doing there. I went through the XML file briefly and though I've used it in the past, the new provisioning setup and the lack of uninstallability of the cab makes me swing toward a reg edit. Either way is great, but those reg edits weren't in the paperclip. Glad to have the day shift back.

I need some sleep anyway.