I replied to the copy paste thing in the other thread, so I'll leave that there.
Second. Multitasking, define multitasking.
As in, can I run multiple run multiple third party apps at once? Short answer, no. Long answer: maybe some if we decide to let you.
Extra storage? Why would you need it if the phone comes with 32gb or 64gb internal storage or more?
Because I might need more than 32GB of storage maybe? Fact is, you don't know how much storage they're going to come with. Minimum req is 8, but what if I run out of space? Why can't I add more? I'm stuck with 16GB because that's the limit of technology right now, but when 32GB comes out I damn well want to be able to use that card. Any more storage I can get, I can use, and you better believe I want it. The fact is, I can do it now, so why won't I be able to with this new-fangled OS? How does it affect anybody's user experience, except the way removing it negatively affects mine?
File management is there. You just have to use the Zune software to do it supposedly (I still want to see this put to the test to confirm specifically what this means), not the best way but it works just fine with the Zune.
So it's not there, despite your convoluted apologism.
How do you know how limited the customization will be?
Because I am literate. They've said no skinning of the OS, that's less customizable already. They said no side loading of apps, guess what that means? Less customization.
Then once it's launched if you don't think the mod/hack community won't open that shit up you're crazy.
Point is, shouldn't have to. This is not the iPhone and MS should not be Apple.