Originally Posted by newedeh
Are you talking about syncing an exchange calendar. If you are i've been down this road. So far the droid has an app called corporate calendar that syncs your calendar to the one you have associated to your email. The apk can't be installed normally. You haft to place it in the system/app folder on the root of the system file. System.sqsh to be exact. If you doin't the app will crash. I ended up having to extract the system.sqsh on a linux box and manually add the apk to that directory. I then recreated the file and put it back on the device....works like a charm. If you don't want to go through all of this headache you can pay for an app called touch down........
Newedeh, thanks for your response on this issue, I've just recently started using MrPippy's android build for the TP2 and being fairly proficient with linux (enough not to need any hand-holding or long-winded how-tos) would like to attempt your method. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction as to where I could locate the "Corporate Calendar" application. Is there somewhere I might find this available for download, or must it be extracted from an actual droid itself. Thanks for your help!