Originally Posted by NinjaDuck
What initializes the SDConfig.txt file's code? Does it run after every reset (soft or hard)?
I'm reading up on this so I'll be ready to flash whenever the new ROM is released. I found that it only runs on hard reset unless you reg edit the AutoRunFlag value.
Could I just keep SDConfig.txt in my Storage Card Root? Is there a way to disable a line of code or turn a line of code into a comment like a " ' " will do in VBA or SQL? Or do I have to delete it?
No need since it only runs after the hard reset, right? The PPC is basically looking for SDconfig.exe after the hard reset, whichvis cooked into NRG's ROMS?
Originally Posted by glenwill
Murducky, if you happen to notice this, it might be good to add instructions for putting the sashimi link your sdconfig.txt file creates in the startup folder into a deleteops.ini file, so it gets deleted after a full install.
Bsarlo, sounds like you are getting the hang of it, albeit with some painful lessons. I don't know much about using UC by itself. Someone, I believe NinjaDuck, is working on a UC instruction guide.
I am working on it. Anything I can learn to make flashing easier is good for me. Could you give me an example of what a deleteops.ini file should look like?
Originally Posted by glenwill
I see several responses, but just to clarify, deleteops.ini is just a text file named with an ini extension. You place it into the SASHIMI\Program\INI folder.
However, I wouldn't set it up to delete the SDConfig.txt file, just the link SDConfig creates in the windows startup folder. Otherwise, your next flash or hard reset will not run Sashimi if you don't recreate your SDConfig.txt.
Would this work: