Re: windows 7: iphone series (2 steps forward, 3 steps back)
When are some of you going to realize that a business aims towards making money FIRST.... it's no secret that Microsoft saw how Apple was able to shoot past them and outsell them with ONE phone on one network compared to the variety of handsets available on a variety of carriers. It's also no secret to them that Android is now selling over 60,000 handsets a day.. they know they have to go in a different direction and they figured if the iphone was setting standards then maybe it would be a good idea to follow.
This isnt different than anything in history when it comes to marketing and goods. Sure, people here will be bent out of shape because of the noncustomization of it but in the grand scheme of things they will probably sell more units and make more money. For once in the last 5 years, they're actually creating a little buzz over the release of this thing. You cant expect a company to keep using a method that obviously isnt working for them when they're constantly losing marketshare. and will more than likely continue at the rate that google is cranking out phones.
Personally ill probably never purchase another windows phone after the TP2 but I do understand that a business is a business first. They dont care about people being pissed about not being able to flash or use a memory card... they care about making money. It is what it is.