Originally Posted by jadedame
Ok I feel like i'm really dense so please excuse my noobness..I have 2.5 sense running energy rom from NRGZ. And I'm trying to figure out which cab to install in what sequence to get the digital and analog clock on my home screen.
I've installed the black outline. mystery clock and the shiny analog cabs..i'm not sure that's correct and i have no idea how to toggle between clocks so don't even know if it's working..
any help is veery much appreciated!
If you have the maxmanila version of the EnergyROM then swipe downward from top to bottom over the clock.
you'll get an array of 'settings'.. on the left side in the center, you can tap it and the letters will change, for example, "FA=flip and analog clock" "MF=Medium flip clock" "LA= large analog clock" etc. etc.. after you change one, swipe upwards to make the setings page go away and you can see your clocks.
I hope this helps