I got a spot too. Like most of you I thought it was my fault.
Dam it. Now I am really starting to hate the Mogul and Sprint! HTC put together a POS and Sprint sold it too soon. Come on, nobody in QC experienced any of these flaws. Get real. I think they knew the Iphone was coming and they needed something asap.
All these freaking flaws are really pissing me off. The worst is the stupid "can't get a call because the phone won't wake up". We got cell phones that can't even get calls! Oh...and the stupid Direct Draw flaws kill me. I'd go with a touch, but it's just as bad.
I think, the only reason we keep this horrible product is because we like tweaking it....but come on already this is ridiculous and it sucks. We paid a lot of money for this thing. This phone is simply way too unreliable for me to trust anymore. Ugh.
Ok, sorry for the rant.
Back to the dot. I do believe it is some sort of pressure from behind the back light. Try this: slide out the keyboard and put pressure in that area with your fingers. Notice that the force has no affect on the dot. A little butterfly effect happens in the surrounding area, but the dot remains bright. Maybe we need to open that case and loosen it up a bit in those areas.