OK guys. I just tried this again, and this time, I ran my battery down to 90% before booting Android. I then plugged in my usb cord, and ran Haret. IN android, I ran the phone HARD for about an hour with web pages, media streams and anything else I could get to work. Upon booting back into windows, Batt says 100%. This is my phone. I am not crazy.
EDIT: Another way to see this. Load up android and then unplug your cable. The battery monitor should be running showing you "100" in the top right corner. Go ahead and slide the top taskbar down to see "Advanced Task Killer and the Battry Monitor. The voltage should be right there. Unplug your phone for a few mins. The voltage will drop. Give it a few mins to get down a bit. Now turn your screen back on. The voltage will be much lower. (mine started at appx. 4.8v and dropped to about 4.3 before I plugged it in) Now go ahead and pop that cable back in. after about 30 seconds the voltage will begin to go back up until it reaches 4.8v again.
I'm posting this because it takes less time and still shows the same outcome. She's charging. Not huge, but closer nonetheless.