Originally Posted by BroMarduk
I know this information is scattered in various places, but try these steps, they worked for me:
1. Go to Weather tab in Sense
2. Hit the Menu softkey button
3. Select Add Location from the popup menu
4. Add any location in your time zone (not sure that it has to be, but to be safe...)
5. Weather will update for that location
6. Go to the Home tab in Sense
7. Tap on the big clock above the weather
8. The World Clock will display
9. Select the city you just added the weather for in the World Clock and press Back.
10. Tap on the big clock above the weather again
11. The World Clock will display and now the My Location should have the correct time.
12. Select My Location and press Back.
13. Time should now sync correctly. I haven't switched time zones since, but will test it out on Thursday
U can quickly change time zone by this steps!
Start/Settings/Clock & Alarms