Originally Posted by racemepls
I'm still going to get it. Call me crazy but I can't wait until next christmas season to get a new phone. My TP2 is the best phone I ever owned but I have to get a taste of that Snapdragon processor and huge screen. If it doesn't get WP7 then thats fine too because I'll be tired of the HD2 by then. In the meantime I'll be running some really cool WP7 skins flawlessly untill it drops.
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
Wirelessly posted (TP2 or BlackBerry: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)
plus one, gotta see what that snapdragon can do.
That's exactly why I'm hoping Tmobile doesn't seal it too much so if my store gets it I can bust out our demo SIM card and play with it. I wouldn't want to leave Sprint but I wouldn't mind taking a CDMA HD2 in lieu of WP7S for a little while